General Quantum Physics Experiments

Quantum Entanglement

Quantum Imaging & Quantum Information

Quantum Computer Physics




General quantum Physics Experiments





Quantum double-slit experiment with reversible detection of photons

A double-slit experiment exhibits the fundamental principle of quantum superposition of a single particle and the effect of path detection measurement. This experiment is performed with continuous variable Einstein Podolsky Rosen entangled photons in such a way that a photon of an entangled pair is detected on a screen much earlier than the second photon, which is passed through the double-slit and detected at a fixed location. Detection of a photon on a screen cannot affect the second photon through any signal propagating with speed of light. This experiment has no classical counterpart.

Quantum interference pattern produced by correlated photon measurements. Single photon detection results in no interference.

Publication: Quantum double slit experiment with reversible detection of photons, Vipin Devrari and Mandip Singh, Sci. Rep.  14, 20438 (2024). PDF

Quantum Ghost Imaging of Transparent Patterns

We have introduced quantum ghost imaging of transparent patterns (experiment and its theory). In ghost imaging, a photon that interacts with an object is not detected by a camera. A camera can have very low quantum efficiency at the wavelength of a photon, that interacts with an object. With ghost imaging, an object can be efficiently detected without directly interacting with it. Conventional ghost imaging experiments can image opaque objects only. Our experiment presents a new way to quantum ghost image transparent birefringent patterns. This experiment requires hyper-entangled photons consisting of continuous variable EPR entanglement and discrete variable polarization entanglement.

Experimental diagram: Quantum ghost imaging of a transparent pattern

Experimental Schematic: A transparent birefringent pattern of millimeter extension is imaged from 20 meters with two hyper-entangled photons.

A quantum ghost image: A transparent birefringent pattern produces a position dependent polarization entanglement, which alone cannot produce a quantum ghost image. The EPR entanglement part of hyper-entanglement produces position-position correlation between the image and object plane. 

Publication: Quantum ghost imaging of a polarization sensitive phase pattern. Aditya Saxena, Manpreet Kaur, Vipin Devrari, Mandip Singh, Sci.Rep. 12, 21105 (2022). PDF


This experiment was performed before we started quantum ghost imaging of a transparent pattern.  A transparent birefringent pattern of millimeter extension is quantum imaged directly (direct means a photon that has interacted with the pattern is detected by a camera, which is not the case in quantum ghost imaging). This experiment requires hyper-entangled photons consisting of momentum entanglement and polarization entanglement. The hyper-entanglement type in this experiment is different than a hyper-entanglement in a quantum ghost imaging experiment.

Publication: Quantum imaging of a polarization sensitive phase pattern with hyper-entangled photons. Manpreet Kaur, Mandip Singh, Sci.Rep. 11, 23636 (2021). PDF

NONLocal action in past

This is a theory work that shows with a graphical proof that if one photon of an entangled pair is detected, then the second photon quantum state is determined immediately (EPR-argument), not only in the present but also in the past, when consistency is imposed in different relativistic inertial frames of references.

Publication: Nonlocal action at a distance also acts in the past. Mandip Singh. ArXiv: 2109.04151 (2021). PDF

Quantum Double-double-slit experiment

This is a classic experiment with two double-slits, which is performed with momentum-entangled photons. In this experiment, photons are path entangled at slits thus, by detecting one photon. it is possible to find out through which slit the second photon has passed (which-slit information). If no such measurement is performed, then path entanglement leads to quantum interference of two photon measurements on two screens. Individual measurements of photon detection on each screen show no interference due to quantum entanglement. A path detection suppresses two photon quantum interference. 

Experimental schematic diagram of double-double-slit experiment with fresnel biprisms

Publication: Quantum double-double-slit experiment with momentum entangled photons, Manpreet Kaur and Mandip Singh, Sci.Rep. 10, 11427 (2020). PDF

Quantum diffraction with momentum entangled photons from a sharp edge

In this experiment, two momentum-entangled photons are produced by Type-I spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC). One photon interacts with a straight sharp edge and detected at a fixed location. Where the second photon is detected on a screen. A quantum diffraction of a straight sharp edge is produced in coincidence correlated measurements of both photons.  A photon, which has interacted with the sharp edge results in no diffraction when measured independently. (Theory is also developed for this experiment.)

Publication: Quantum diffraction of position-momentum entangled photons from a sharp edge, Samridhi Gambhir, Mandip Singh. Phys. Letts. A. 383, 28, 125889 (2019). PDF

Tomographic imaging in six-dimensional phase space

In this experiment, a pattern is localized in a three-dimensional subspace of a six-dimensional phase space of atoms at room temperature, Figure-(a). This types of counter-intuitive patterns are completely delocalized in position space at a given time thus, cannot be imaged with lenses and cannot be comprehended directly.

The experiment is performed with Rubidium-87 atomic gas at room temperature by using velocity selective hole burning. The required phase space localized pattern is imprinted onto a phase space with laser beams of different frequencies. The tomographs of the phase space localized pattern are imaged by detuning another imaging laser beam with a resolution of 1 MHz. As a result, a three dimensional image of a pattern localized in a phase space, consisting of two spatial dimensions and one momentum dimension, is produced.

Three different tomographs of a pattern localized in a 3D subspace of 6D phase space, consisting of two spatial dimensions and one momentum dimension, separated by 40 MHz on the momentum axis.

A tomograph of a pattern of different depths of hole burning, which is localized in a phase space at zero longitudinal velocity.

Publication: Three-dimensional classical imaging of a pattern localized in a phase space, Mandip Singh and Samridhi Gambhir, Phys. Rev. A. 98, 053828 (2018). PDF

Subtomographic imaging of a transparent pattern localized in phase space

In this experiment, a transparent birefringent pattern is imprinted onto the phase space (in contrast to the previous experiment where an imprinted localized pattern was light absorbing). The pattern is localized in a 3D subspace of 6D phase space. The imprinted pattern is imaged by extracting subtomographs of a tomograph by varying the detuning of an imaging laser beam with a resolution of 100 KHz on the momentum axis. 

The experiment is performed in a phase space of Rubidium-87 atomic medium at room temperature by using atomic state dependent velocity selective hole burning.

Publication: Subtomographic imaging of a polarisation sensitive phase pattern localised in phase space. , Manpreet Kaur, Sheenam Saxena, Mandip Singh. Sci Rep. 14, 2641 (2024) . PDF

Stern-Gerlach Type Experiment with Quantum SUPERIMPOSED magnetic field

The Stern-Gerlach (SG) experiment is one of the most significant experiments in physics, which was performed to show the quantized nature of spin. Neutral atoms prepared in a state of nonzero spin, when passed through a strong magnetic field gradient, exhibit discrete trajectories. Classically, trajectories should be continuous, as a classical spin can be aligned at an arbitrary angle with the magnetic field.  However, in SG experiment, the magnetic field is classical, as it has a well-defined magnetic field at all points in space. 

In the quantum SG experiment (thought experiment),  the magnetic field is quantum superimposed, and spin is also quantized as it provides a complete quantum mechanical picture. Interesting physics arises as a special case if a spin polarized Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is passed through such a quantum magnetic field. The path of BEC is quantum entangled, which is equivalent to Schrodinger cat state.

Publication: Quantum Stern-Gerlach experiment and path entanglement of a Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys. Rev. A. 95, 043620, (2017). PDF

Schrodinger cat states in a cantilever carrying quantum current

A flux qubit can be prepared in a quantum superimposed state of magnetic flux linked to it. In this paper, an external degree of freedom of rotation is introduced. The resulting Hamiltonian gives rich physics resulting in a natural coupling of angular displacement of a cantilever with magnetic flux linked to it when placed in a uniform magnetic field. The cantilever angular displacement and magnetic flux are quantum entangled in the ground state naturally, which is a Schrodinger cat state. A special case without Josephson junction is also investigated.

Publication: Macroscopic quantum oscillator based on a flux qubit. Mandip Singh, Phys. Letts. A. 379, 36, 2001-2006, (2015). PDF

Post.Doc and PhD research work on rubidium BEC, metastable Helium BEC and permanent magnetic lattice is not highlighted. (can be accessed by publications)


